
City of Gig Harbor Parks & Playgrounds

November 19, 2016

City of Gig Harbor Parks (inside City limits)

Adam Tallman Park trails, wetlands, no restrooms

Ancich Waterfront Park no restrooms, space park, street parking

Austin Estuary Park no restrooms, picnic table, load/unload for kayaks, trail to Museum

BMX Park parking, bike track, volleyball courts, restrooms at City Park 

Bogue Viewing Platform street parking, no restrooms, viewing area, seating /tables, beach access

Civic Center Green

Crescent Creek Park tables, restrooms, courts, playground, parking and the list goes on 

Cushman Trail restrooms along trail, parking, trails for bikes/pedestrians, seating along trail

Cushman Trailhead Park restrooms, street parking, biking, walking paths, drinking fountain, power

Donkey Creek Park restrooms, street parking, benches and open space, salmon stream, trail

Eddon Boat Park restrooms, street parking, public pier, kayak launch, and much more! 

Finholm View Climb restrooms, street parking, 100 stairs, views, seating, drinking fountain, 

Grandview Forest Park restrooms, on street parking, walking trails, benches, passive wildlife

Jerisich Dock street parking, restrooms, dock landing, life jacket loaner

KLM Veterans Memorial Park on-site parking, restrooms, baseball/soccer field, play structure

Maritime Pier public pier, restrooms, on site parking and more

Old Ferry Landing no restrooms, street parking only, picnic tables overlooking bay, drinking fount

Sand Volleyball Courts restrooms and parking all at city park, 

Skansie Brothers Park restrooms, street parking, covered pavilion, netshed, power

Skate Park   large concrete bowl for skaters, play structures, bathrooms, trails, benches  

Wilkinson Farm Park wetlands, water fountain, trails, garden, wildlife park, no restrooms

Source: City Parks (Inside City Limits)